Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is it time to go fishing yet?

While sitting on the slope watching the wind blow my mind drifted toward my favorite summer activity of fishing in the rivers of the Kenai Peninsula. I was wondering just how many more days of winter I had to suffer thought before I get to go fishing again. That is when I remembered that my wife had put a handy "count down" clock here on the blog (look down the on the right hand side). Low and behold I only have 83 days and some extra hours until Deep Creek opens for kings... woo woo we are under 100 days.

Then I decided to dig up one of my favorite old photo of my Grandpa Orvil with his big King. I can't say exactly what year it was taken but I look to be about 12 years old in the picture and I am 40 now (yikes I am 40). Fond memories like this are why I still love to go fishing and still forsake my summer duties of lawn mowing and home improvement to go.
(sorry the photo is a little tilted and quite spotty, its an old photo. I actually just had another copy made by a professional that is much better, but not with me on the computer)


  1. It was taken in 1979 John.


  2. The family is watching............

  3. So I was 10 at the time, because the Kings are over before my b-day... not a bad guess at 12, I have always looked older than I really was.


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