We spent last weekend down in Homer. On Sunday Grandpa brought his new boat down from Ninilchik for its maiden Alaskan voyage.

We motored around Kachemak Bay for an hour, then went to Halibut Cove and ate lunch while we looked at all the cool houses. The weather was great and Grandpa was really happy with his new boat.

After lunch we headed back to the Homer Harbor. While pulling up to the boat launch dock we noticed a slight problem with another boater.

After we tied up I talked to the harbor master who was there waiting for the owner to show up. As we where talking the owner showed up. She was quite upset and admitted that she must have left the plug out. She was shocked to learn that the harbor master wanted to get a diver to attach air bladders to re float the boat before she could untie it. She thought she could just untie it and drag it to the ramp and let the tide take care of the problem. As I walked away to help Grandpa pull his boat out of the water I heard her ask the harbor master if "this would be covered by her home owners insurance?", I don't think she heard me laugh out loud.
Grandpa and I got his boat on the trailer with a little to-do and off we went to drive back to Eagle River.

Happy Memorial Day to all the Veterans and current Armed Forces protecting us all over the world.